Shared Care programme
We offer a Shared Care programme for egg donation patients who have very supportive consultants in their home country and therefore are able to have their ultrasound examinations and laboratory tests performed in a local clinic. If your local consultant supports your decision and treatment, and is ready to perform your ultrasound and laboratory examination, this means you do not need to travel to St. Petersburg for an Initial Consultation visit.
Shared Care programme
The Shared Care programme for egg recipients can be summarised as follows:
- Please also fill in our questionnaire
- Please ask your local consultant if he or she is ready and able to support you in your egg donation attempt. After receiving his or her consent, please send us the contact details of your consultant, so that we can discuss the details of your treatment. I may need to contact your local consultant to ask additional questions about your medical situation and to agree your treatment plan/medication with her/him. Please inform your consultant about this possibility.
- I will have a phone meeting with you at your convenience, during which I will collect your medical details and discuss treatment and donor options with you. We also agree the time frame convenient for you to come to St. Petersburg for treatment. We can be flexible and always aim to fit treatment around your own schedule.
- If you prefer us to match the donor to you, please send several colour photographs of yourself and your partner to us. We would like to see at least two photographs of each of you taken recently, or two taken in your twenties or thirties. We look for the best matching egg donor for you and send you the following details: age, blood group, height, weight, colours, family situation, education, occupation, interests.
If you prefer to choose your egg donor yourself from the detailed Data Base from IDEAS I explain you how to use the data base and provide you with a free 7 day access to the full data base. As soon as you have chosen one or several options, please e-mail the IDs to me and I will be able to double-check the donation history, the availability and, on your request, the similarity to you as an adult person. In case you would like me to check the similarity, please send me several photos of yours in your 20-s and some current ones. All the donors, whose profile you will be able to see have all their tests done and are ready to start as soon as you prefer. - As soon as we have received the data listed above (your questionnaire, desirable timing for your visit, the contact of your local consultant, we prepare your individual Treatment Plan, agree it with your local consultant and e-mail it to you.
- If you are happy with the matched, or chosen egg donor and understand and accept the Treatment Plan, you confirm that you are ready to go ahead with treatment.
- Now you can make your travel arrangements (flight, hotel, visa) according to these dates in the treatment plan, which we will not change on our side. The dates of your Treatment Plan may be changed only on your request if you have sufficient reasons, but you must give us sufficient notice and agree any changes with us in advance.
- Once you have chosen your egg donor yourself/accepted the matched egg donor and confirmed the treatment plan, we send you our contract for your signature. Please sign these documents, scan them and e-mail them back to us.
- Within 2 weeks after you have sent us your signed contract and application, we will e-mail you an invoice for payment. The payment should be made by money transfer not later than 1 month before your Embryo Transfer.
- The following tests are required by Russian law for all IVF patients including egg recipients. They are included in your Treatment Plan and you have to have them carried out in your local clinic 1-2 months before your Embryo Transfer. You should e-mail us the test results not later than 3 weeks before your visit to St. Petersburg.
- Blood group
- HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Lues (valid 3 months)
- Clinical blood count (valid 1 month): RBC (red blood cells); WBC (white blood cells including count of their fractions: lymphocytes, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils); haemoglobin
- Biochemical parameters in blood: glucose, creatinine, bilirubine, ALAT, ASAT, general protein (valid 1 month)
- Bacteriology smear (valid 1 month)
- PAP smear (valid 1 year)
- TSH Prolactin (valid 6 months)
- A letter from a general practitioner from your home country about your state of general health and stating that there are no contraindications to pregnancy (valid 1 year)
- The following tests are required for the male partner:
HIV, Hepatitis B and C, Lues (valid 3 months)
- Your stay in St. Petersburg will last 10 days, usually in the time frame proposed by you. The exact date of your arrival will be written in your Treatment Plan. The day after your arrival, I will meet you for the first time to make you familiar with the clinic, to evaluate your uterine lining by ultrasound, and to update you about your donor’s situation. We will also discuss with you how many embryos you would like to have transferred (1 or 2), your lifestyle after the Embryo Transfer and during early pregnancy, the differences between an egg donation pregnancy and a naturally conceived pregnancy, and answer any questions you may have.
If you use donor sperm and fresh eggs your visit will last 5 days. If you use frozen eggs and frozen sperm, each of the partners will need to spend in St. Petersburg only one day.