Success story 9

Our dream come true…

Four years ago my current husband and I met. We were both 42 years old. I had a son of 9 but my husband did not have any children. When we had known each other for half a year we started IVF-treatment in Denmark. I had a lot of eggs, the semen was fine – but nothing happened – we did not get pregnant.

We used about 70.000 Danish Kroners in 4 IVF treatments – but the worst was that we used 2 important years by trying to get pregnant with eggs that were too old.

I was very unhappy and I was not able to accept the fact that we would not have a baby together. My life has taught me that “when you want something you have to go for it a 100% - and you will get it”.

I had a lot of talks with my doctor in DK – I told him to help me become a mother again and that I would do “anything”.  I was very depressed and did not know what to do. He told me to call doctor Olga Zaytseff in Russia….

Doctor Zaytseff became the catalyst for our dream!

In May 2009 I called her – we had a long talk – I sent her me and my husband’s data –This  May 2010 we had our babyboy!!!  Here is the story;

I had realized the fact that my eggs were too old – we only had one choice, we needed an egg-donor. In DK there is years to wait, in UK We could get my sister to become the donor – but that was not what I wanted – I wanted an anonymous egg-donor at very fast.

Doctor Zaytseff found a donor who matched my data. There is very much control with these donors, and I have not been doubtful one single minute in this process. Very fast we got a date for the journey to Russia. She knew that we did not want to wait half a year – her job was characterized by perfection, efficiency and speed matched with lots of human empathy. This was also what we was met with when we arrived in Russia.

We had a great week in Sct. Petersborg which is one of the most lovely cities have ever been in.

We went back to DK with the knowledge that there was 70% chance for a positive pregnancy-test because we had two embryos transferred.

I was pregnant! 45 years old – I had our baby two days before I was 46. We have only one thing to regret – we should have started treatment with Doctor Zaytseff immediately when we were 42 years old – and should  not have tried with my own eggs in DK – Eggs are too old when you have reached this age, the chances are much too small – and I can tell you there is No difference in my feelings for my two boys — not at all.

Now we have the most lovely baby-boy, he is 4½ months old. I do not think we will go for another baby because of my age but I am sure we had done that if I had only been 42 -43 today.

Woman, 46 DK anonymous but can be contacted if needed by Danish patients.